
The Push to the Cloud – Your SharePoint Online Options

Anyone else tired of hearing the term cloud? How abused this term has become, it kind of means anything and everything we don’t manage ourselves doesn’t it? Whether or not you want to hear about it, the reality is that we are all faced with dealing with the cloud. I have the distinct pleasure of […]

Sorry, we’re having a problem showing this workbook (Office Web Apps)

When attempting to use Office Web Apps with SharePoint 2013, some documents may display this error message: “Sorry, we’re having a problem showing this workbook.”   Some documents are unable to be shown in Office Web Apps (both in the browser and the preview screens). This is due to the fact that some documents may […]

Active Directory sync for Project security groups is not working

Despite running the active directory sync successfully from PWA Site Settings, the user permissions are not copied over. In the event log, you may see an error like this: PSError: NoError (0) A general exception occurred during communication with Active Directory. Context: SyncGroups. Additional Information: An exception occurred while synchronizing all security groups with active […]

SkyDrive Pro Security and Governance on Office 365

I was asked the question the other day, if a global 365 administrator could access a former employee’s sky drive (pro) following their departure from the company.  After doing some investigating, I confirmed this access is not provided by default.  Fortunately, the access can be obtained fairly easily.  For those of you looking under the Sky Drive Pro settings […]

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations

Word Automation Services suddenly stops working

A curious issue I ran into – was a situation in which Word Automation Services would work perfectly for a number of weeks and then suddenly stop producing documents (in our case, PDF documents). The obvious assumption was to review the performance on the server and adjust resources so the service wouldn’t crash. We were, […]