• Building Relationships with Service Providers

  • The Rise of the Power User

  • The Cost of Poor Communication

  • User Adoption is OUT, Organization Development Leadership is IN

SkyDrive Pro Security and Governance on Office 365

I was asked the question the other day, if a global 365 administrator could access a former employee’s sky drive (pro) following their departure from the company.  After doing some investigating, I confirmed this access is not provided by default.  Fortunately, the access can be obtained fairly easily.  For those of you looking under the Sky Drive Pro settings […]

The Cost of Poor Communication

As of late, my role has been in solution sales.  Every day I speak to clients about how we can solve their communication and content challenges with SharePoint.  However, no matter how obvious it is that SharePoint can solve their issues, we still run into scenarios where we hear “we think your team is great, […]

User Adoption is OUT, Organization Development Leadership is IN

User Adoption sessions at user groups and SharePoint events have never been appealing to me.  The whole concept of user adoption feels like a way of doing whatever it takes to convince users to adopt a new technology.  Beg, borrow, plead….  Management, IT Pros, and trainers, all concerned about why “no one is using SharePoint” […]

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations

Mobile Document Access for the SMB

What does it take to get access to documents and notes on a mobile device? The answer may be different based on the size of your organization.  The answer may be easy if you are a small business with no onsite servers; you can just set up SharePoint Online (365).  The answer may also be […]

Why you can’t find the right person to manage your SharePoint environment

There have been a number of articles lately discussing why companies cannot find the right person to manage their SharePoint environment.  The other thing I’ve seen lately is a rant on why you need to hire a $200/hour consultant to deploy a successful SharePoint solution.  (Which I don’t believe to be true…more on that later) […]

SharePoint Forms – The status of InfoPath

I’ve been tasked with answering the difficult question of what path to take regarding forms.  There are a lot of rumors out there and if you are reading this, you are probably searching for answers about the roadmap for forms development.  While I don’t have any definite answers, I do have an opinion.  I’ve been working […]

An Introduction: Getting Organized

This blog is a follow up to my presentation Getting Organized: Discover, Design, and Implement. (Also known as “Taming those Hoarders!”) My intent with this presentation and blog, is to provide a method for moving from traditional files shares and legacy systems into SharePoint.  The methods I use will help you define your taxonomy, content […]